Upgrade your wrinkle-fighting tactics with Downy WrinkleGuard Fabric Softener. Its breakthrough, anti-wrinkle formula penetrates the fibers of fabric, softening and relaxing them to help keep wrinkles from forming in clothes. Give your clothes improved softness, freshness, flexibility and resiliency, while still protecting them from stretching, fading and fuzz. Just add Downy WrinkleGuard as you would any liquid laundry softener (measure and add to the dispenser in your washing machine), and you’ll begin to see the Downy WrinkleGuard difference. Want even more wrinkle-fighting power? After washing, use Downy WrinkleGuard Fabric Softener Dryer Sheets for added wrinkle protection. Live every moment without wrinkle-worry: from morning meetings to surprise drop-ins from your boss.

  • Enjoy all day In-wear wrinkle protection for your clothes with Downy wrinkleguard liquid fabric Softener
  • A laundry care game-changer: wrinkleguard fabric Conditioner protects clothes from wrinkling while you wear them
  • This powerful anti-wrinkle formula penetrates fibers to soften and relax fabric, improving the flexibility and resiliency of clothes
  • Enjoy the same Downy softness, freshness and power against stretching, fading and fuzz
  • Safe to use in both HE and non-HE washing machines; just measure and add to your washer's dispenser
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Downy Wrinkleguard Liquid Fabric Softener & Conditioner, Fresh, 48 Fl Oz. Bottle